Did you know your triggers can hijack your brain in under 60 seconds? Emotional flooding takes over, logic checks out.


A recipe for disaster? Yeah, pretty much.


Well hello there,

Miss Confident Queen.


I see you. I know you’ve been working on yourself, upgrading and elevating. 


The way you move says “Healing Girl Energy”, and it looks good on you.
And while you’re doing the work to up level and break the curse of your exes, vowing to never again get in a crusty relationship, there’s this teeny tiny little thing in the way, your Triggers.
You know that feeling—when you’re calm, cool, and collected… until something—or someone—sets you off.

Boom. Spiraling. Overthinking.

Feeling like you’re back at square one? And then you start to wonder “Damn, how am I back here again when I’ve been putting in the work?”


Now, that is what a trigger is. It is one minute you’re giving off that Confident Queen energy, and the next, you’re trying to calm the inner chaos that just erupted within you.

Put a finger down if you too have been here:


✘ You’ve reread their text 17 times looking for hidden meanings.
✘ You’re pulling back, your walls are going up, you can’t control it, it’s happening and you can't seem to stop 
✘ You say the “I’m fine” when you’re really not. Your tone and body language say everything but fine.
✘ Or maybe you find yourself overexplaining and justifying because you’re kinda panicking on the inside that they’re taking it the wrong way.
✘ And if you’re a firecracker like me, you get mad, get all riled up, and boom you say the thing you know would’ve been better left unsaid, and then…regret kicks in, and you’re trying to damage control.


Don’t Let Your Triggers Run the Show—Start Today!

Your triggers aren’t really the problem, but they can be the solution..

And that’s exactly why I created this training...


“Own Your Triggers, Up Your Magnetism”

Bad Bitch Energy but like trigger edition.


Here’s what we’ll cover:


💡 What a trigger actually is—and how it’s like a hidden gem when it comes to doing the inner work to attract the love you desire. 
💡 How to avoid self-sabotage when you’re hijacked by 5 different emotions all at once and you can’t bring yourself to think straigght.  (hello, clarity!).
💡 The Nervous System 411—how to spot the state your body goes into when you’re triggered and what to do to take control.



And, because I’ve got you, there’s a worksheet to help you break it all down and create a game plan for those moments when you’re ready to pop off in the worst way but know you want to do better.


“Why do I need this”, you ask?


Well, when you learn to manage your triggers, you:
👉 Stop reacting from fear and start responding intentionally
👉 Stop sabotaging connections that are good for you. 
👉 You show up more in control so your triggers aren’t bringing out the hot mess version of you.
Click Here to Begin!

The Investment:

Here’s the wild part—it’s only $11.11. Like, less than your go-to coffee order, but packed with insights that could literally change your love life.


I’m Ready to Own My Triggers!


Hey, I'm Nora.
If you are here from my IG posts, you probably know more about me than some of my closest friends. I spill my heart out in those posts, sharing the messy, imperfect journey I’ve been on. 
And if you’re just meeting me, then let me assure you - I get it. I understand what you’re going through. I’ve been overwhelmed, felt stuck, and had no clue how to move forward. So, I dove into research, tried a million things, and finally figured it out for myself.
Now, I’m here to save you the time and trouble of playing the guessing game. I’ll guide and support you as you evolve into your dreamy self. 

Own Your Triggers, Up Your Magnetism

Are you ready to level up and leave the never ending emotional spirals behind?

Grab the training and start showing up like the queen that you are even when you’re triggered. 
Don’t Let Your Triggers Run the Show—Start Today!